
Hi, I'm Christian Alder and this is a collection of my projects, socials, and other stuff.

Main Projects

My main projects which for the most part are solely run by myself.


Freelance front-end developer available for hire, designing and building nice websites for nice people.

ALDR Design

Creating digital and physical oddities out of paper, wood, electronics, and some computer design.

ALDR Photography

Macro, wildlife, and experimental photography with my Sony A6700.

Personal Blog

Random thoughts and writings mashed into a keyboard and uploaded to the world wide web.

Co-Op Projects

Work that I do cooperatively with my partner in crime, Joana.

Board Game Beans

Reviewing, teaching, and playing board games.

Untitled Candle Project

Making soy-wax candles with scents derived from nature.

Other Stuff

Socials and other links.


A nice social media.

Posting sporadically about all kinds of stuff.


Another nice social media.

Posting less sporadically about all kinds of stuff.


Sometimes I take photos and share high-resolution versions for anyone to use, anywhere.


It's like Instagram, but open-source and decentralized.